Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011

Well, Well, Well....Snowmageddon melted and a week later we get Snowpocalypse.  I can't remember this much snow in Oklahoma in, well, ever!  We missed four days of school last week and this week we are up to two, counting tomorrow.  The crazy thing...we do live in Oklahoma....the high on Sunday is going to be 58!

Knowing that I was about to be snowed in again I had to come up with another project.  Groupon had a Barnes and Noble special the other day....$10 for $20 of merchandise.  I had to do it!  To top it off, I get an educator discount, too.  I have been wanting this book for awhile now, but didn't want to spend $30.00 on it.

As you can see, the book is titled Wee Wonderfuls.  This book has not only dolls, but a little doxie and a monster named Koji!  Inside there are detailed instructions on how to do different stitches, most of which I didn't know exactly how to do.  Let me just say, today I figured out that I prefer machine sewing over hand sewing any day!  It took me a couple of hours to make the doll, but it was a fun learning experience.  Lily kidnapped her as soon as the last stitch was finished!

1 comment:

  1. hi melissa! Can you please contact me as soon as possible? Lori Landenburger
